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Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands
Seven of Wands


The Seven of Wands represents courage and determination in the face of adversity. When this card appears in your spread, it suggests that you are defending yourself and your ideas against opposition or criticism. You may feel outnumbered or outmatched, but you have the inner strength and resilience to stand up for what you believe in. The Seven of Wands can also indicate a need for perseverance and tenacity in order to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Daily prediction

If you draw the Seven of Wands in a daily reading, it suggests that today may bring challenges or obstacles related to personal growth and self-expression. Whether you're facing opposition from others or struggling with your own inner critic, this card encourages you to stay strong and resilient in the face of adversity. It's important to persevere and maintain your convictions, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

Seven of Wands
Seven of Wands

Reversed Meaning

In reverse, the Seven of Wands may indicate a lack of courage or determination related to personal growth and self-expression. You may feel overwhelmed or intimidated by opposition or criticism, leading you to retreat or compromise your values. This card can also indicate a tendency to give up too easily in the face of adversity.

Answering the question

If you are asking a specific question and draw the Seven of Wands, it may indicate that you are defending yourself and your ideas against opposition or criticism. For example, if you ask "Should I pursue this opportunity for personal growth?" the Seven of Wands may suggest that yes, pursuing new opportunities can bring growth and learning, but it's important to be prepared for obstacles and adversity along the way. This card can also indicate a need for courage and determination in order to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.