Rider-Waite Tarot deck
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The Hierophant

The Hierophant
The Hierophant


The Hierophant represents tradition, morality, and spiritual values. This card suggests that you are seeking conformity, following a set of rules or beliefs, and looking for guidance from an authority figure. It can also indicate that you need to connect with your spiritual side, follow your moral code, and find meaning in life.

Daily prediction

Drawing The Hierophant could mean that you should connect with your spiritual side, follow your moral code, and find meaning in life. It may suggest that you are seeking conformity, following a set of rules or beliefs, and looking for guidance from an authority figure. Alternatively, it could be telling you to follow your own moral code, connect with your spiritual side, and find meaning in life on your own terms.

The Hierophant
The Hierophant

Reversed Meaning

In reverse, The Hierophant may indicate a rejection of traditional values, a desire for individual freedom, or a lack of guidance from an authority figure. It can also represent feeling trapped by societal expectations or religious dogma. This card may be telling you to follow your own moral code, connect with your spiritual side, and find meaning in life on your own terms.

Answering the question

When answering a question, The Hierophant suggests that the answer lies in connecting with your spiritual side, following your moral code, and finding meaning in life. It may indicate that you are seeking conformity, following a set of rules or beliefs, and looking for guidance from an authority figure. Alternatively, it could be telling you to follow your own moral code, connect with your spiritual side, and find meaning in life on your own terms.