Rider-Waite Tarot deck
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The High Priestess

The High Priestess
The High Priestess


The High Priestess represents intuition, spirituality, and hidden knowledge. This card suggests that you need to trust your inner voice, listen to your instincts, and tap into your unconscious mind. It can also indicate that you need to connect with your spiritual side or explore your deeper thoughts and feelings.

Daily prediction

Drawing The High Priestess could mean that you should trust your instincts, listen to your inner voice, and tap into your unconscious mind. It may suggest that you need to connect with your spiritual side or explore your deeper thoughts and feelings. Alternatively, it could be telling you to trust yourself, open up to new ideas and experiences, and connect with your intuition.

The High Priestess
The High Priestess

Reversed Meaning

In reverse, The High Priestess may indicate a lack of intuition or a disconnection from your inner voice. It can also represent feeling secretive, guarded, or closed off from others. This card may be telling you to trust yourself, open up to new ideas and experiences, and connect with your spiritual side.

Answering the question

When answering a question, The High Priestess suggests that the answer lies in trusting your instincts, listening to your inner voice, and tapping into your unconscious mind. It may indicate that you need to connect with your spiritual side or explore your deeper thoughts and feelings. Alternatively, it could be telling you to trust yourself, open up to new ideas and experiences, and connect with your intuition.