Rider-Waite Tarot deck
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The Moon

The Moon
The Moon


The Moon represents intuition, mystery, and illusion. This card suggests that you are tapping into your inner wisdom or intuition, or that something is not as it appears. It can also indicate that you are feeling anxious, uncertain, or insecure about the future.

Daily prediction

Drawing The Moon could mean that you should trust your instincts, stay open to new possibilities, and remain flexible in the face of uncertainty. It may suggest that you are tapping into your inner wisdom or intuition, or that something is not as it appears. Alternatively, it could be telling you to stay open to the mystery and magic of life, and trust that everything will work out for the best.

The Moon
The Moon

Reversed Meaning

In reverse, The Moon may indicate a lack of trust in yourself or your intuition, or a tendency to ignore or suppress your own feelings and instincts. It can also represent a fear of the unknown, or a desire to cling to what is familiar and comfortable. This card may be telling you to trust your instincts, stay open to new possibilities, and remain flexible in the face of uncertainty.

Answering the question

When answering a question, The Moon suggests that the answer lies in trusting your instincts, staying open to new possibilities, and remaining flexible in the face of uncertainty. It may indicate that you are tapping into your inner wisdom or intuition, or that something is not as it appears. Alternatively, it could be telling you to stay open to the mystery and magic of life, and trust that everything will work out for the best.